Laptop Studio — Music software reviews, news and info for computer music

6 September 2005

Pro Tools M-Powered review — Computer Music

Filed under: Hardware andMusic software at 5:50 pm (2 comments)

Computer Music magazine reviews Pro Tools M-Powered, the new hardware/software combo DAW from Digidesign. Pro Tools is already legendary in the digital audio workstation world, and this version comes with an M-Audio interface instead of their proprietary audio interface. The version of Pro Tools included is a cut-down version of the full product. In fact, it’s almost identical to Pro Tools LE, the standard “lite” version of Pro Tools.) Still, the limitations aren’t too severe — the review points out that this version handles 32 audio tracks instead of 96, and does not include the TDM system for eliminating latency when processing sounds in real time.

The automation system in this version of Pro Tools is full-strength: “everything from volume to plug-in parameters can be programmed dynamically, either by recording fader/pot movements or drawing in a contour.”

They also point out tat the MIDI sequencing features are undiminished — you can even still use 256 tracks if you really want to– but that the MIDI capabilities aren’t as good as a dedicated MIDI sequencer. Still, this version of Pro Tools is ReWire-friendly, so you can use another sequencer without too much trouble.

In the end, they rate it as 8 out of ten and give it a special nod for its excellent performance. In a nutshell, they call Pro Tools M-Powered “superb audio multitracking software.”

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  2. musical tastes…

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