Laptop Studio — Music software reviews, news and info for computer music

11 August 2005

Computer Music magazine

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Computer Music magazine is the best print magazine for computer-based home recording. If you’re reading this website, that means you! This magazine has excellent in-depth coverage of music software, including reviews and regular tutorials of all popular programs — everything from FruityLoops and GarageBand to Cubase and Reason.

Computer Music emphasizes practical advice — everything from easy-to-follow software tutorials to articles on music theory. Articles can be as specific as “How to de-ess using the sidechain in Reason 3” or as general as “How to sound like Gorillaz”. They’re all worth reading — I always get some useful information out of every article. Even the ads are interesting, or maybe that’s just me.

Every issue comes with a DVD full of sound demos, sample libraries and software. One of the best features is the CM Studio — this is a complete computer music software suite, consisting of a sequencer, software synths, sampler, drum machine and so on. The website contains updates and patches for the CM studio, so if you’re strapped for cash, you can buy a copy of Computer Music (and a computer, obviously) and start your musical career. The DVD alone is worth the price of the magazine. It’s a bargain — even at the exorbitant import prices I pay in Australia. (If you Americans think British imports are expensive, try coming to the other side of the world!)

There are many magazines that give you music making overviews and news. Computer Music is the best because it focuses on practical music-making. The detailed articles will help you get the best out of your software studio and make better music. And that’s the whole point, after all.

You can read more and subscribe to Computer Music at

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