Cubase 3.1 upgrade released

Cubase SX 3.1 and Cubase SL 3.1 upgrades are now available from Steinberg. I said earlier that Steinberg had said the Cubase 3.1 upgrade would be released in late August. They did make it, but only just — the press release came out on the 31st.
Despite having dozens of new features, the new upgrade is free to registered Cubase users. I mentioned before that the main feature in Cubase 3.1 is improved hardware integration. The website also discusses some of the other previously-noted features:
“The 3.1 versions of Cubase SL and Cubase SX also offer a range of other new features. These include the new “Equal-Power” panner which maintains equal power across the entire panning range, while the new Mixer key commands offer full control of the entire VST mixer using customized key commands. Users of Cubase SX/SL 3.1 can also render playback parameters into MIDI data, “freezing” MIDI track play parameters quickly and permanently for project transfer to another application. Cubase SX/SL 3.1 include advanced multiprocessor support, including the latest dual-core processors from AMD and Intel, giving professional users full access to the latest high-end workstation computers with dramatic performance gain. Cubase SX3.1 now supports Steinberg’s DTS and Dolby Digital Encoder plug-ins, allowing Cubase SX users to encode to these popular industry-standard surround formats.”