Laptop Studio — Music software reviews, news and info for computer music

10 August 2005

MetaSynth 4

Filed under: Music software at 4:13 pm (1 comment)

U & I Software have released version 4 of the very cool MetaSynth sound design program. (Actually it was released a few months ago, but I wanted to mention it here because it’s so nifty.) This new version moves MetaSynth more towards being a real-time sound creator, rather than something where you design a sound and then push a button to gererate the sound file. The Image Synth is pretty neat — you can turn a sound into a picture, and then edit the picture (using MetaSynth or even something like Photoshop) and then turn the picture back into a sound. Bizarre, but fun.

The U & I website has the details. They say: MetaSynth is a revolutionary electronic music and sound design environment. We have released a major new version: 4.0 and 4.0 Pro. MetaSynth now features full-fidelity preview, realtime editing, and capture-to-disk recording.

MetaSynth 4 features six rooms, each of which is a fully-featured application in its own right. MetaSynth’s rooms are:

Effects Room – envelope-controllable DSP Effects

Image Synth – paint sound using any imaginable-tuning. The new MetaSynth instrument architecture makes the Image Synth more powerful than ever. Paint scores where color is translated to spatial position and brightness is translated to amplitude.

Image Filter Room – use an Image Synth-like interface to create extraordinary dynamic stereo filters. Many users tell us that the Image Filter Room alone is worth the price of admission.

Spectrum Synth – a new paradigm in synthesis: spectral granular sequencing. Analyze sounds into a sequence of events that you can transmogrify in ways you have never imagined.

Sequencer Room – lightweight non-MIDI composition room for composing melodies, phrases and loops.

Montage Room – the mixing room. 16-track audio sequencer. In MetaSynth Pro, you can also record audio in sync with your tracks.

More articles about MetaSynth

1 Comment
  1. […] The Atmogen visual additive synth by Sonorous Codes brings visual sound design to the PC. Mac users have had MetaSynth for years; now Windowsers will be able to join this strange and wonderful party. Atmogen uses up to 1024 oscillators, which are combined to form its sound output. The neat thing is that the oscillators are each displayed as a multicoloured line — the lines are stacked on top of each other to form a 2-dimensional picture that you can edit directly to create your sound. Like MetaSynth, you can edit the picture in any ordinary graphics program before bringing it back to Atmogen to hear it. […]

    Atmogen visual synth on 23 August 2005 at 12:26 pm

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