Ministry of Sound StikAx

The Ministry of Sound StikAx is a handheld controller for live mixing of music and video. The concept is similar to the music mixing games available for various game consoles, except that it looks like a retro sci-fi ray gun. It’s obviously not a serious musician’s tool, but would be fun to have lying around. It might even be useful for musical brainstorming
The publicity on the StikAx web site says: “The Ministry of Sound StikAx is a fun, easy-to-use, real-time music mixer that you hold in your hand.
With the StikAx, you can take any music or video content, simply assign it to buttons on the StikAx and mix your music and video on the fly; be it a remix of the latest hit or your own unique creation, allowing you the freedom to experiment and also the freedom to use your intuition as to how it should sound or look. All your creations are recorded event by event, so if you create something great, it’s saved for you. You can then re-edit the piece using professional effects and settings – it’s all provided. Now you’re ready to share your creations with your friends, family or even impress a record boss! – it’s a studio in your hands.
The software can support multiple StikAxs; friends can mix together; Dad can create the home movie while Jimmy creates the accompanying soundtrack; or two burgeoning DJs can create remixes together without arguing whose turn it is next on the computer keyboard. Music and video should be entertaining, creative and interactive – with the StikAx it finally is.
The StikAx is an USB plug-and-play device, simply hook it up to your PC and you are mixing. It bypasses the need for expensive and complicated midi hardware and software and the associated learning curve that goes with the midi protocol.
At its basic level, the StikAx is a fun, easy-to-use, interactive multimedia experience. As the user progresses with the StikAx, they are able to create unique music and video content and interact with that content in real-time for an increasingly intense experience in entertainment and creativity. It is not limited to any audio-visual genre and is equally appealing to fans of dance to jazz, from classical to hip hop. With virtually unlimited sources of audio and video input, the StikAx is the most affordable and comprehensive real-time multimedia production offering available.
The buttons and LED light beam on the StikAx are used as triggering devices to mix any combination of music, video and special effects that the user selects. The StikAx in combination with the TrakAx software provides real-time interaction, that is captured by the software and presented in the Mixing Palate for saving, editing or remixing.”
More articles about StikAx
- Ministry of Sound StikAx review -- Pocket Lint
- Ministry of Sound StikAx review -- T3
- Ministry of Sound StikAx