Laptop Studio — Music software reviews, news and info for computer music

17 April 2005

GarageBand 2 review — CNET

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GarageBand 2.0, Apple’s music-making program for the Mac, has been reviewed by CNET. They quite like it as a comprehensive music creation tool, but say its lack of depth means it’s not for the experienced user. They would recommend it to “Indie bands that want to easily add electronic effects to live instruments; parents and amateur videographers who want to make unique soundtracks for personal movies; novice music enthusiasts with an itch to create their own electronic tunes.”

They give the program 7.5 out of ten and overall are very positive: “Although this creative audio tool takes up a boatload of drive space and won’t satisfy many advanced users, it’s a fantastic starting point for novice music enthusiasts with a desire to experiment with digital tunes. GarageBand 2.0 alone justifies purchasing iLife.”

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